Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Pictures and updates!

Mellie is nearly 7 months old, weighs almost 40 pounds, and begins canine good citizen training on Saturday. She was recently spayed, and after she had her funnel removed we took her to Point Isabel in Richmond, her current favorite place in the whole world next to Grandma Casey's house. ;)

Here are some photos from the past few months of our favorite puppy!

What you lookin at, I already called dibs on anything that hits the floor.
What you lookin at, I already called dibs on anything that hits the floor.

The fate of a puppy's favorite polar bear
The fate of a puppy's favorite polar bear

Mellie enjoys crawling under my legs. She is getting far too big for this.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mellie has a youtube playlist now; let the shame begin

Mellie now has a youtube playlist, with her greatest hits. So far I have posted Mellie stunning Jacob with cuteness,experiencing a post-bath freakout, and attacking a helpless camerawoman.

Here is one such video, where Mellie throws her foodbowl at me:

New puppy pictures!

We took Mellie on her first hike on May 24th. Though it turned out to be a minor disaster (see: Foxtails), we managed to find a safe picnic ground in the open space and had a great time.

Miscellaneous photos of puppy cuteness.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mellie's Tricks pt 2!

Mellie's new trick is Bang! ... its fairly hit or miss. Her ability to "stay" is getting pretty remarkable for a 13 week old puppy. Not shown is "open", where she opens her mouth (a snarl to the poor vet doing a dental inspection last week made that one a necessity), and "spot" where she snuggles up in the corner by the dinner table, Along with her rope, she can fetch her polar bear, her ball (an everlasting treat ball), and her frisbee (she's too young to jump and catch it, we just roll it on the ground across the apartment).

Watch live video from Jacob's Channel on

Here is another video, of Mellie's new love: the plant waterer. I read somewhere that a spray bottle was a good deterrent for a barking dog. I realized that was not applicable in Mellie's case when she started yipping and jumping into our little tree in order to intercept the mist. Towards the end I tried to capture her hilarious facial expression. It reminds me of how women look in old movies, spraying perfume on themselves with those monstrous contraptions.

Watch live video from Jacob's Channel on

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mellie Pictures

Mellie's Tricks!

Mellie is 11 weeks old yesterday, and she can now sit, lay down, speak, shake and roll over! Although, she enjoys roll over so much, it has become her answer to many commands...

Watch live video from Jacob's Channel on